ILCS Photo Page

100 percent effort, 100 percent of the time

In love with a day off February 1, 2008

Filed under: books,Snow — ilcsphotopage @ 11:30 am
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A storm moved through the Adirondacks on Friday, February 01, 2008, causing the use of a snow day. So the first day of February was a day off. With a window through a window, here is the ‘Fall in love with books’ display.


Two-hour delay December 17, 2007

Filed under: Indian Lake Central School,k-12,Snow — ilcsphotopage @ 10:09 am

It was cold, and still snowy, but school took place after a two-hour delay. With temperatures in the single digits, it was a bit chilly between the bus and building.


Let it snow, let it snow December 16, 2007

Filed under: Indian Lake Central School,Snow,Town of Indian Lake — ilcsphotopage @ 9:03 pm

It started snowing Sunday morning, and probably everyone was thinking (hoping) ‘snow day,’ but the Town of Indian Lake also does a good job of removing snow from the streets and the school parking lot.